Take Full Advantage Of This Short Mid-Summer Lull


Wednesday, 3:31pm
San Francisco, CA
“It crawled into my hand, honest…” (The Fuggs, circa 1967)


I’m off having more fun than you this week…

… meeting up with a bunch of crazy writers in Baghdad By The Bay for a nice gourmet feast (delivered by the world-renown “Beer Chef”, who pairs super-delicious fare with micro-brews instead of boring old wine)…

… followed by, well, being in San Francisco with a bunch of crazy writers.

Oh, there will be stories.

I suggest you follow us on Twitter.  (It’s the Usual Suspects at the core of this adventure: Harlan, Morgan, Lorrie, Kevin, Garf, Curly, Mark, Dahl, etc.)

If you’re not following me on Twitter… first, get your head examined, then check in at www.twitter.com/johncarlton007.   (Don’t forget the “oo7” part.  Some other doofus nailed “johncarlton” long ago — turns out, it’s a fairly common name.  Not that I’ve ever met one of the imposters personally…)

And while you’re waiting for me to get back (probably early next week) and start posting on this blog again…

… take this opportunity to go back through the archives and get hip to why this blog is so popular in the first place.

There’s almost 5 years of good stuff waiting for you.

So, indulge.

And I’ll see you back here in a few days.

If, that is, I survive the weekend in SF.

Stay frosty,


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"11 Really Stupid Blunders You're Making With Your Biz & Career Right Now."

  • Alex Lim says:

    take care of yourself and take things easy. 🙂

  • Kevin Rogers says:

    There will be stories indeed. Starting with this hotel.

    I don’t want to say it’s old… but when I checked in the bellman offered to “stable my horse.”

    Old, I’m tellin’ ya… the A/C is a block of ice and a fan! The light switch is a matchstick, ladies and gentleman.

    And comfortable? Guantanamo was rated one star higher than this joint. After an hour on the mattress I was revealing plans for Al Qaeda’s next attack!

    But hey, we’re all together and that’s what matters. Once the Beer Chef is done with us tonight this place will feel like a Motel 6.

    OK. Gotta go. The maid needs to spray pesticide.

    You’ve been great. Enjoy Soupy Sales.

    You’ve been great. Enjoy Soupy Sales.

  • ken says:

    lol Kevin, I liked that re ‘stable my horse’… you guys have fun … had to think about copywriters watching “Mad Men” last night for the first time on dvd (great new series about 1960s madison avenue execs, they have a copywriter)…


  • Earnst says:


    Welcome to Pompeii.


  • Enjoy! Sounds like fun. Will definitely be some shenanigans

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