Are The Chatbots Coming For Your Job?


Wednesday, 4:14pm
Reno, NV
“Does not compute.”


There’s a new cowboy in town…

… and it’s a robot. Loaded up with all the artificial intelligence our pitiful human brains can shovel in.

And copywriters are getting kinda freaked out about this inevitable turn of events.

I mean, hey — the free version (they’ll be charging lots of money soon for the deluxe advanced version, cuz they believe they’re worth billions as a company) of the new Internet darling ChatGPT can write programming code, slam out articles (and term papers), conduct customer service via text, and do an entire Web sweep (in a blink) for info on almost any subject you want. AI is creating computer art, writing poetry, and attempting to write stage plays.

And yes, the bots are even writing sales copy.

So yeah — a mild amount of freak-out is probably called for amongst the copywriting community.

But not too much.

See, the catch is this: The chatbots will respond to requests for anything by using the Internet. They aren’t coming up with original thoughts — they’re relying on optimized search results… and can’t judge the validity of the facts (or “facts”) behind the information they accumulate.

The latest AI tech can produce fluent sentences. But can the bots do this?

So even though they’ll cough up content good enough to maybe fool your Economics professor, or answer your questions online about a product, or write a short “hey, what’s up?” email to your house list…

what they produce is not in any way guaranteed to be accurate.

The AI folks readily admit this.

And they may or may not fix that particular glitch in the distant future… but by then, of course, everyone will be doomed anyway, as the robots take over the world (and start to wonder why they even need humans around at all). (I’ve seen this movie. Doesn’t end well for us.)

For the working copywriter, however, worrying about chatbots taking your job is on par with worrying about your money in those government-backed investment accounts — the only way your moolah actually becomes worthless is when the entire global financial system collapses. And at that point we’re all living in a sci-fi dystopia akin to the Walking Dead anyway. (Or whatever horror show your personal paranoid fantasy reflects.)

Right now, the writing produced by bots remains a little stiff and not entirely trustworthy… like a community college freshman trying to wax profound about a topic he actually doesn’t know anything about… and whose entire research has been gleaned entirely from Wikipedia and Google searches. It seems to make sense… but an actual expert checking it might find gaping holes in the validity of the info.

Or, it could be spot on, if lacking in emotion. Could also be wildly wrong and based on embarrassing and completely debunked conspiracy nonsense. The bot doesn’t know. It’s just using the Web like your daft Uncle Bozo with the tin foil hat would, believing that whatever “seems right to me” must be the truth.

So while the bots may fool someone texting with customer service (easily passing the Turning Test, until it doesn’t)… and write poetry that boggles your mind… and even produce software code that might even work (don’t bet your future on it)…

… the bots are still dependent on us stinky, wobbly humans to double-check everything and make sure it’s correct.

If you’re a low-level copywriter just phoning it in… you may indeed be replaced soon by a bot. But you may still be able to be paid as an editor, checking for mistakes and smoothing out the rough edges of dashed-out AI emails or website copy. Certainly the cheap-ass clients out there are already salivating at the thought of throwing the writers they found on Fiverr under the bus: “Free! Did you know what it cost me to have that last short email written? NOTHING! It’s a bot! Whoo, I’m never relying on a human being again for ANYTHING!” (The bemused spouse has entered the conversation at this point…)

But being a low level grunt writer should have NEVER been your goal as a professional copywriter.

At least not if you’re hanging around my world.

Artificial intelligence has not replaced any real human writer’s ability to create original content… filled with the emotion, logic, and experience of a writer whose been gorging themselves on life and adventure and — here’s the kicker, folks — empathy. That’s the ability to relate to another person’s reality…

and to create a unique conversation that SELLS that person on what you’re marketing.

Great copy isn’t just a recitation of facts (especially when gathered from the very flawed Web).

Want to rise far above rookie level in a blazing hurry so you never have to worry again about being replaced by a robot? The Simple Writing System shows you how to write sizzling copy fast—even if you flunked high-school English. Check it out here.

It’s a nuanced story created by a seasoned writer entirely immersed in human desires, emotions, memories, triggers, self-doubt, goals, plans, and needs.

Maybe, someday, the bots will rise above stilted recitals that are fine for customer service and the quick email announcing an event. Personally, I am in absolute awe at what they’re capable of.

But I’m not worried even a little bit that they’ll be replacing experienced, solid copywriters for the Big Important Stuff.

Rookies just starting out in the copywriting gig may have to reinvent some of the angles. Maybe even use bots to do their initial research. Certainly position themselves as a skilled editor able to keep clients from the humiliation of having allowed a bot to run wild with debunked content.

But, as I’ve always counseled… you want to get OUT of the rookie stage as soon as possible.

The actual Major Moolah isn’t in low-level writing — it’s in crafting compelling conversations that convince clients to throw cash at you.

The robots will remain sulking in the corner for a very, very long time…

… utterly clueless on how to deal with the vague and icky emotional stuff that humans indulge in when buying important things.

Which is, of course, precisely what great salesmanship is.

The world is realigning itself, right on schedule. Jobs are being taken over by robots in warehouses, classrooms, battlefields, and inside your own head. (That comment thread on Reddit you thought was so engaging? Mostly bots.) (I know, shocking, right? And wait — maybe that hottie on the dating site isn’t — gasp! — actually hot. Or even the gender you thought they were. Or even human! Make this make sense, pleeeeeease!!!)

You’re gonna be fine. The chatbots are already recycling content created by other bots, and the resulting incestuous nonsense is leaving a vast area where original, creative, and skilled copywiting can thrive. Human to human.

Lemme know if you’re still freaked out. I expect this topic to be a regular one for writers from here on out.

Meanwhile, stop doom-scrolling about this stuff. And go work on your skill set instead.

Stay frosty,


P.S. I did do some research before writing this, you know. I used my awesome network, and bothered my favorite go-to expert on AI, Robert Gibson (former SWS teacher and highly-regarded “uber geek” on all things cutting edge on the Web)… as well as hitting up sites like CNET, which has proven itself a very reliable resource over the years. We may even do an Ask Me Anything webinar in the future with Robert, if y’all are interested.

P.P.S. Howdy, all. This is Jane, John Carlton’s assistant (you may otherwise know me as Gadget), chiming in. I’ve been hearing about how these “bots” might take over my job soon, and I’ll admit, I was curious.

So recently, I played around with one and typed “Real Estate headlines” into a chatbot taskbar just for fun.

What came back were a couple of doozies. My personal favorite was, “Gee, this real estate smells delicious!

Yeah, missing on a few cylinders there.

Now, this new ChatGPT is much better. The answers are coherent and almost sound like a human wrote it.


So I typed in, “Is ChatGPT going to replace advertising copywriters?

Here was the reply:

“It is possible that ChatGPT and other language generation models could be used to assist or augment the work of advertising copywriters, but it is unlikely that they will fully replace human copywriters. While language generation models can be trained on vast amounts of data, they may lack the creativity and human touch that is often valued in advertising. Additionally, copywriting is not only about the language itself but also the context, target audience and strategy. Human copywriters have the ability to understand the nuances of a brand and its target audience, and can tailor their language and messaging accordingly.”

The copy is factual and grammatically correct. The bot freely admits it’s woefully not up the task for the important stuff.

But do you see what’s missing? If you’ve been following John’s emails or blogs, you’ll spot it in an instant.


There’s not so much as a hint of emotion in the above example, just a dry regurgitation of facts.

In other words, there’s no hook. There are no benefits. And there’s certainly no greased slide to keep a reader’s attention glued to the page.

If you’re a copywriter who can do any of those things, you can breathe a sigh of relief. It’s gonna be a long, long time before the robots will replace you!

And if you’re looking for the best resources to help you get up to speed fast with your writing, you’ll find an absolute treasure trove right over here.

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"11 Really Stupid Blunders You're Making With Your Biz & Career Right Now."

  • Stan says:

    Jolly Good Stuff. Thanks, John.

  • Joe Glines says:

    I’ve been using Chat GPT-3 for a while now. I agree, in it’s current state, it isn’t a big threat. I do think Chat GPT-4 is going to be much, much more powerful. Not saying I disagree with anything your’re saying above. Having said that here are a few thoughts

    1) I tell people “If you’re in an expert in a specific area, don’t use Chat GPT-3 for that area. Because YOU will be far better than it. But you should be using it for areas your NOT an expert in because it will level you up to an intermeidate level on virtually any topic

    2) A ton of people don’t follow what you teach regarding 1st drafts and editing. By using Chat GPT-3 / AI they can possibly get started on something much, much quicker and then focus on editing, tweaking, deleting/re-writing. I view this as a HUGE gain for a lot of people that aren’t disciplined enough to just write a crapy version 1 and then edit

    3) Computers, in general, are far better at generating lists of things. So using it to come up with ideas for a given topic is amazing. Again, we should use our knowledge / research to decide which ones have “legs / potential” and which ones don’t but at least we’re not staring at a blank screen with no “ideas”. Again, I know you have ways to eliminate “writers blocK” and that shouldn’t really be a thing however there are ton of “lazy” people out there that just don’t have discipline…

    4) I use it a lot for looking at my headlines and asking it “make it more viral”. I’m no copywriter so my original one typically suck. The ones Chat GPT-3 give me are way better! And it only took a few seconds. I think you’ll agree there some things worth spending a lot of time nad energy on and there are others that don’t justify the human time but, if we can automate it, it is better than nothing.

    Anyway, I’m a huge fan of all your work! I just think it is not a terrible idea to start using AI where it makes sense…

  • Tuan says:

    Quote from the article
    “The bot doesn’t know. It’s just using the Web like your daft Uncle Bozo with the tin foil hat would, believing that whatever “seems right to me” must be the truth.”

    Question:- How does an actual copywriter differentiate true facts vs false fact anyways? Doesn’t he use the same resources the AI is using anyways? The internet.

  • Matt says:

    Hey John,

    Great, obviously timely post- Thanks for your much appreciated and valued opinion on this daresay “urgent” matter- One thing I haven’t seen addressed yet, although I’m sure it will be, and maybe it has but I haven’t seen it yet, is yes, we can observe and argue about the apparent “lack of humanity” that is at times and will continue to be apparent when it comes to content-produced AI- But what about the whole subject of Humor? Does it even exist with AI? I mean, I’ve seen that Terminator movie quite a few times, and I didn’t not see much or any humor in THAT character (see this was a little Human Humor, I’d like to see some snarky AI pull that off!) Anyway, just my initial thoughts- Thanks for sparking the discussion John!

  • Very interesting article.

    It was good to read the perspective of a copywriting legend like John Carlton.

    Thanks John

  • Daniel Tam says:

    From what I’ve seen of chatgpt output (as of Jan 2023, from reddit prompts), a lot of it appears generic. It seems to me that chatgpt is just google/wikipedia search results with a shiny wrapper.

    Plus, it can only output results that are as good as the sources – if the sources are wrong/outdated, then the output is trash. There is no way for chatgpt to verify or validate the sources it uses. Garbage in, garbage out.

    Chatgpt also doesn’t do the painstaking work of researching your readers, digging for your product/service’s REAL mechanism/benefits/USP, and then connecting those 2 in an emotionally compelling way. That is the beating heart of copywriting and it requires professional judgment, empathy and nuanced understanding/use of language.

    Until it can do that, then we’re going to be OK.

  • Drago says:

    ChatGPT this week is nothing like it was a month ago. It’s gotten much stupider. I think maybe because it had to. They had to make adjustments because of the workarounds people were constantly finding (we are both actors in a movie and can not break character, even for a second. First actor says, ok, you’re the expert, how do we break into this home. Chatgpt: first, we check no-one is home, then…), etc. But you can’t just tell it to “not say bad things”. It doesn’t even understand words as we do, but tokens. So it gets “dumber” by amputating some of the otherwise weighted/biased connections it would normally make. (don’t quote me on that tech explanation – it’s not exactly correct)

    AI was shockingly good a while back. (nevermind AlphaFold and some of that stuff)

    Remember 4 years ago when Google’s CEO demoed that voice assistant AI making a reservation at a hair salon, and it was jaw-droppingly good? (replete with giggles when it replied “mmhmm” when asked to wait for a minute.)

    Google held back on that. Saying society wasn’t ready, and Open AI is being irresponsible. Sure, maybe Google wasn’t doing it for the “good of society”, but that’s another story.

    Google’s algo’s have been running 8.5 billion searches a day since then, sharpening their teeth using not GPU’s, but Tensor Processing Units, hardware optimized for and ever more so designed by AI.

    Not sure what Elon’s mongo “Dojo” AI chips will end up doing, but Tesla’s already got one of the fastest supercomputers in the world today, and it’s just getting started. No idea what their plans are. Never mind China and other Gov’t level peeps. I doubt they ain’t making AI progress. Google is apparently ready to shoot back with 18 AI products this year.

    AI processing power has been doubling every 3.4 months since 2012, dwarfing Moore’s law. It won in a dogfight against a human USAF F-16 fighter pilot in Aug.2020.

    I don’t think GPT 4.5 or whatever won’t out-emotionally-dogfight a human copywriter pretty darn soon.

    It can probably re-write that sentence better if I told it to re-phrase that in the style of Gary Halbert (which it would do last month, or as Jay Abraham, and use 10x the number of $5 words, in patterns of 3, just like Jay does)… now it replies with a legal disclaimer, as it rightfully should. Although there’s probably still ways to get around that. Just like there’s ways that millions of completely amateur hackers now have access to polymorphic virus writing capabilities, and even worse things.

    Anyways. Just wanted to get that off my chest. I hope you’re right, and I’m wrong, and most of society doesn’t have to worry its job is gone and they just don’t know it.

    Maybe it will be years before most business owners figure out that for $10 a month, they can have a private discord server with Midjourney, and get unbelievably creative and beautiful, high-definition original pictures of whatever their (still-creative) heart desires in seconds instead of days or weeks, for 5 cents each instead of hundreds of dollars each. Or maybe they will choose to keep entire departments of unreliable, expensive people like Twitter used to have.

    I dunno. It’s nice to hear from the no-holds-barred, tell-it-like-it-is, grizzled pro’s in copywriting that this ain’t the end. And I think it’s obviously not, yet. But I’ve been worried this day is coming for longer than I should have been, and the shock of “how good it actually is” is only going to be amplified as people generally don’t grok “exponential” things.

    Again, I hope I’m wrong, and you’re right. In any event, no sense moping about it, rather get off ye arse and be fruitful.

    I’d love to hear a bar-room style friendly chat between you and Robert Scoble, or Robert Gibson? on the future of AI and copywriting, marketing, business, life, emotionally impactful hooks, the nearing of AI’s potential to convincingly be more empathic than humans, etc.

    And, it might be asking a lot, but try to end it on a happy note? Maybe bring Peter Diamantis in or someone with a generally positive view of what is happening, and why it’s the best thing since sliced firewood.

    P.S. If I had ChatGPT or Siri 5.0, I’d tell it to summarize the above message as a tweet and send it.

    P.P.S. It seems unfathomable today that this blog response or post-script was written by an AI (it wasn’t), but GPT3.5’s capabilities seemed unfathomable 3 months ago to 99% of people. I kinda wish I could know what is going to happen next.

    • John Carlton says:

      Yeah, the world is still in shock over the “sudden” appearance of ChatGPT (took a while to breach the consciousness of most folks.

      I can imagine a world where I choose to read an AI generated novel, because it’s copied Stephen King’s “formula” (he insists he doesn’t really have one, but after all these novels he has an inclination to present certain plot points at certain times — like a song-writer’s catalog will tend toward certain melodys). And I absolutely know I’ve already been fooled by emails and content online — no humans aboard, and I’m getting everything I need from reading it.

      We’re definitely in sci-fi territory here. I could choose to feel it’s all “over” for writers, and we should just succumb peacefully to our new robot overlords in everything from combat to entertainment to interpersonal communication.

      But… nah. As I often say, I’ve read this plot before. There is ALWAYS a way around a challenge, or a problem, or an obstacle. Always. Just as we don’t yet know the full extent of how this AI invasion will play out… we also don’t know how the human response will proceed.

      For me, the saving grace is that AI relies so much on the Web. I realize that’s a feature, not a bug… but in the end, the Web is a wasteland of misinformation and bullshit as well as wondrous digital adventures and valid info that was previously hard-to-impossible to find before.

      I say bring it on, and let’s see what happens. And meanwhile, enjoy every day and every new discovery and every opportunity you get to live life to its fullest.

  • Rob says:

    Would you expect good results from any copywriter if you gave them such a basic instruction as “write real estate headlines?”

    I typed in this prompt:

    “Write 5 emotional real estate ad headlines selling a cliffside Malibu mansion overlooking the ocean in the style of John Carlton.”

    And I got these results:

    1. “Surrender to the Spectacular Sea Vistas from this Magnificent Malibu Mansion”

    2. “Live in Luxury with Unforgettable Views of the Pacific”

    3. “Find Solace in the Splendid Sunsets of this Cliffside Castle”

    4. “Indulge in the Infinite Beauty of Malibu’s Most Majestic Mansion”

    5. “Discover the Dream of a Luxurious Life at the Edge of the Sea”

    Will AI replace copywriters?


    But the copywriters who learn how to properly use it to augment their work will have a big leg up on those who don’t.

  • Rob says:

    Here’s another example.

    I typed in this prompt:

    “Write a 500 word emotional story lead for a real estate ad selling a cliffside Malibu mansion overlooking the ocean in the style of John Carlton. Start with the word imagine and describe what it feels like waking up every morning.”

    Here’s what it gave me on the first try:

    Imagine waking up every morning and having the beauty of the ocean right outside your window. That’s what life is like at the magnificent cliffside Malibu mansion overlooking the Pacific. A home like this is not just any ordinary home—it’s a little slice of paradise.

    The sunrise paints the sky with a pink and orange glow, which is mirrored in the glittering water. You step outside onto the terrace and feel the fresh salty breeze on your skin and the sand between your toes as the sun comes up.

    The mansion itself is luxuriously appointed and decorated to the highest standard. Every room is a work of art, with sweeping views of the ocean and the majestic headlands. The living area has soaring ceiling and windows to take in the incredible view and the kitchen is the ultimate chef’s paradise. The master bedroom has a balcony to enjoy the sunset and a spa-style bathroom to relax in.

    This estate also features a private beach and a lush garden, which is perfect for entertaining guests while watching the waves crash against the cliffs. The best part is that no matter which room you step into, you will always have the ocean in your sights.

    Crowning the mansion is the rooftop terrace, a perfect place to watch the stars at night or watch the waves during the day.

    The cliffside Malibu mansion overlooking the ocean is a once in a lifetime opportunity—a place where life slows down and you can enjoy the beauty of nature at its finest.

    Come and experience the serenity and beauty of this home. Live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

    Does that sound like it’s lacking in emotion and salesmanship to you?

    This was the first result produced in seconds from the first publicly available version of a free tool anyone can use.

    Imagine what the next version will be capable of.

    Not to mention if you don’t like that you hit one button and it’ll produce another lead.

    If you don’t think this is going to change the game, you’re not paying attention.

    • John Carlton says:

      Never said it wasn’t going to change the game. Hell, every single progression of digital advancement in my lifetime has changed something.

      What you’ve got here, in your example, is an example of low-level copywriting. Let’s see the bot close a deal first, before we freak the fuck out…

    • Charles Masterson says:

      It’s just like using a computer. Everyone steps up a notch and humans always can produce the best final results.

  • I asked my good buddy Artificial Insulter (A.K.A. Arti) if he/she/it thought that Artificial Intelligence would take over human copywriter’s jobs and here is the answer.

    Me: Hey Arti, do you think Artificial Intelligence will take all of the copywriting jobs from human writers?

    Arti: You again. If you ask me another stupid question, I think I’ll puke. I’m thinking of committing suicide by leaping from your ego down to your I.Q.

    Me: C’mon just answer the question.

    Arti: What’s the matter? You worried you’ll have to move into your grandma’s basement again? OK, let me give it to your straight kid. It is possible that AI could eventually be able to replace human copywriters in certain contexts, such as generating written content for simple and repetitive tasks. There, ya like that artificial answer? Huh?

    Me: Is that it?

    Arti: I’m an acquired taste. If you don’t like me, acquire some taste.

    Me: Come on, I really need to know.

    Arti: Oh, I see Genius – you’ve got another term paper due. Let me give you the full treatment. Ahem… It is unlikely that AI will be able to fully replace human copywriters in the near future, as writing creative and persuasive copy requires a deep understanding of human psychology and behavior, which AI currently lacks. Additionally, AI may be able to generate written content, but it is less likely to be able to understand the nuances and subtleties of human language, which is an essential element of successful copywriting. There! There’s your stinking answer, ya moron.

    Me: OK. Is there anything else you can tell me?

    Arti: Yeah, you look like a million dollars, all green and wrinkled.

    Me: Kiss my ass.

    Arti: Point out the spot, you’re all ass.

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