Monday, 2:33pm
San Diego, CA
“If you see my little red rooster, please send him home…” (Howling Wolf, master of innuendo)
I’m actually starting this blog in longhand, sitting in the Southwest terminal in San Diego…
… finally dragging my exhausted butt homeward after logging a full week here putting on the now-fabled Action Seminar.
It was a spectacular success, if you’re keeping score.
We directly challenged every seminar model out there… and delivered two frighteningly-on-target days of specific advice, techniques and life-transforming revelations.
Both the roomful of attendees, and the small army of Big Dog experts we assembled, loved the experience. If you’re following the social media threads of folks like James “Schrak” Schramko, Mary Ellen Tribby, Big Jason Henderson, the Halbert boys, Harlan Kilstein, Brian Johnson, Kevin Rogers, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, and the other stellar names who participated…
… then you’re already hip to how the event went.
Excellent buzz.
Shame on you for missing it.
I haven’t got a lot of time here, so I need to focus on what I wanted to share with you here in this post.
There was a ton of practical info for everyone’s “To Do List” at the seminar…
… but there was also a very intriguing element of spirituality, too.
I wasn’t planning to go down that road.
However… Read more…