Take This Quiz To Eliminate Writer’s Block!

Let’s do another quiz, what d’ya say?

This one is very simple.  Or not, depending on how much you’ve been paying attention.

Here’s the question:

Fill in the rest of this statement: 

“Writer’s block is…”

And… go.  The Quiz has started.

What do you think writer’s block is?

Please bear in mind that there were over 600 attempts to win the last Quiz…

… so get busy.

There are no “wrong” answers… as in, you can’t lose when you engage your brain in critical thinking like this.

But there’s only ONE right answer.

And here’s a hint: It probably isn’t what you think it is.

“Writer’s block” gets a lot of discussion in the culture.  Everybody’s got an opinion or theory.

Books have been written about it.  Famous fiction writers have reportedly suffered from it.  Almost everyone who’s ever stared at a blank page believes they know what it is.

And I’ll tell you this:  They’re all dead wrong.

And that’s all I’m gonna say right now.

The Quiz is on.

Go get ’em, tiger.

Stay frosty,


P.S. I'll post the answer in a few days. But if you can't wait that long get on my list right here. You'll get my free report "11 Really Stupid Blunders You're Making With Your Biz & Career Right Now" too.

Just reply to that email and tell my assistant "I want the answer to writer's block NOW, dammit!"


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